What are Infinium Services?
Infinium Services is a separate division of TCI that provides professional information technology services to customers who use Infinium software to run their businesses. We are the only Authorized Infinium Solution Partner worldwide, and we have partnered with Infinium for the past 31 years making us an unmatched team.
Our consultants have years of product expertise, and most have worked for INFOR, owner and distributor of Infinium giving them plenty of Infinium consulting experience. This, coupled with our diverse industry knowledge, has enabled us to provide immediate value to our clients. We continue to provide Infinium training, Infinium consulting, and Infinium RPG technical programming services for over 200 Infinium customers. Read on to find out how our Infinium expertise can help your business.

Infinium Software Services
Infinium Software Services that TCI specializes in
Custom Infinium Software Development, Bolt-on Infinium Software Development, Infinium Application Consulting (All Modules), Infinium Application Training (All Modules), Infinium Technical Training (All Modules), Infinium Conversions, Infinium Optimization Review, Infinium Flexible On-Demand Services, Infinium Upgrades, Barcoding Development, 24/7 Help Desk for the customers on non-supported Infinium releases, 24/7 Help Desk for custom and bolt-on software, 24/7 Facilities and Operations Management.
Managed Services allows immediate and consistent long term access to the largest Infor Infinium stable of Services Staff. For the Infor Infinium customer with minimum needs, Managed Services is a way to reduce cost of ownership by having access to expert consulting services on an as needed basis. For the Infor Infinium customers with larger needs, Managed Services can be scaled to allow TCI to become your internal Infinium experts with full time staff assigned. TCI will adjust staffing levels on demand. The key is Managed Services is scalable to fit your needs no matter how small or large.
What does it cost? Plans are customized to every customer’s specific need. Plans are available with no retainer, minimum usage or complicated terms. Infinium Services
Infinium Services Training, Application Consulting, Technical Consulting / Programming, Upgrades, Modifications, Interface Design and Development, Software Quality Assurance, EDI Design, Development, and Management, Post Audits, 24/7 Help Desk Access by the Hour, Vacation and Temporary Staffing Coverage, Complete Technical Outsourcing
iSeries - System i - AS/400 Series Remote Operations Management, Operations Outsourcing, Disaster Recovery Planning, Non Infinium Development Support, Websphere Installs and Management
TCI Credentials 27 Year Infor Infinium Partner, Largest Infor Infinium Services Provider, 1000+ Man Years of Infor Infinium Experience, 60 Infor Focused Staff, 250+ Infor Infinium Customers Serviced Since 1989, Host of the Infinium User Conference
TCI's Infinium Consultants are experts in their product knowledge and it's their seasoned experience that assists customers in using Infinium to achieve their highest return on their software investment.
TCI conducts custom Infinium classes on your site and virtually. Our consultants work with you to create the Infinium agenda you need; this ensures the class covers everything necessary for your staff and your specific company practices. We have over 27 years' experience teaching Infinium classes. If you would like some more information please contact Jerry Daniel at jdaniel@tcipro.com.
Basic course descriptions are provided for each class on the links below. Depending on your need, TCI offers the basic class, and on some products a higher level class for advanced users and a technical class. Please contact jdaniel@tcipro.com for more specific class information.

Management Team
Jerry Daniel
Director of Sales, Infor Practice

Email: JDaniel@tcipro.com
Mr. Daniel joined TCI in 2002 following a 14 year tour working on Infinium products and Infinium services starting with Aries Software which evolved into Software 2000, then SSA Global, and today is Infor. Jerry was the Director of Professional Services for North America for Infinium. Mr. Daniel has an unprecedented 34 years of Infinium staffing management experience. This experience has allowed TCI to build the highest quality Infinium services team ever assembled. Mr. Daniel manages global operations for Professional Services, Sales and Staffing within the TCI Infor Infinium Practice.

Rick Watson
Manager of Technical Services

Email: R.Watson@tcipro.com
Mr. Watson has over 36 years in ERP consulting and software development industries, Rick has developed software applications and has consulted for diverse industries such as discrete and process manufacturing as well as advertising and legal. Rick joined TCI in 1999 as an Infinium consultant and is the primary architect of the TCI Barcode suite of modules developed for Infinium products. He has held positions of increasing leadership and responsibility at TCI attaining his current position of Consulting Manager. As Technical Services Manager, Rick has lead and managed a wide array of Infinium projects and consultants and has delivered quality IT solutions to the Infinium client base.

Kevin Williams
Manager, Infor Infinium Materials Management and Process Manufacturing Services

Email: K.Williams@tcipro.com
Mr. Williams joined the TCI team in 2003 as Manager of the Infinium Materials Management and Process Manufacturing Services with over 34 years experience supporting these applications. Mr. Williams was formerly the Manager of Support for MM/PR applications at Software 2000 (now Infor) where he developed, supported and implemented the Infinium MM/PR suite of products. Mr. Williams in-depth knowledge of the Infinium MM/PR applications and his business expertise working with various industries make him a great asset to both TCI and the customer.

Jim Anderson
Manager of Infinium MM Technical Services

Email: J.Anderson@tcipro.com
Mr. Anderson has more than 30 years of technical and application experience supporting the Infinium Materials Management and Manufacturing Control systems. Mr. Anderson joined SSA in 1998 after being a long time Infinium Manufacturing customer where he was the IT Manager and Programmer Analyst. Mr. Anderson supported the entire suite of Infinium products. In addition to Mr. Anderson’s nine years of Infinium Software experience he has over 30 years of IBM iSeries and RPG Programming experience, and two years of experience with Inovis TrustedLink EDI Software. Mr. Anderson joined TCI in January of 2002.

Sheila Hilliker

Email: S.Hilliker@tcipro.com
Mrs. Hilliker joined Software 2000 (which eventually grew into Infor) in 1991. She has over 24 years of experience helping Infinium customers resolve issues. At Infor she had roles in Quality Assurance, Liaison between support and development and product training and mentoring.

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